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Check out the most recent announcements, events, updates, and news about the Reiss Motivation Profile®. 

20 Years of Partnership with RMP Switzerland

We are proud to honor Daniele Gianella on the 20th anniversary of our partnership with RMP Switzerland. Daniele has worked tirelessly to promote the Reiss Motivation Profile®. He has increased its availability in a number of languages, expanded its use for self-discovery to private individuals seeking more meaningful lives, and has been instrumental in developing creative tools that have modernized the RMP in this digital age. We look forward to many more years of collaboration!

                                                                           A man holding a plaque that says RMP: 20 Years of Partnership


Congratulations to RMP Polska

Image that reads ISO which stands for International Organization for Standardization

We are proud of our partners in RMP Polska, Ewa Jochheim and Katarzyna Janas, for having achieved certification from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which sets global standards for trusted goods and services.

To earn this certification, Katarzyna and Ewa completed a rigorous application process in which they demonstrated that all of the training and services offered by RMP Polska meet the ISO’s international standards for quality management. This determination was made on the basis of their strong customer focus, the motivation of top management, adoption of a process approach, and evidence of continual improvement.

IDS and RMP Nordic Celebrate 10 Years of Partnership

We recently celebrated 10 years of partnership with Dr. Päivi Mayor and Daniele Gianella of RMP Nordic. As partners, they have been diligent in promoting the Reiss Motivation Profile® throughout the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden; they have had great success in helping young people make good decisions about their future directions based on an understanding of their intrinsic motives and core values; and they have made important contributions to the scientific field of motivation by supporting additional research on the RMP.  Daniele and Päivi, we are proud to call you our colleagues!

                                                              Photo of a woman and a man with the woman holding an RMP plaque


10 Years of Partnership with RMP Polska

                                                                   Photo of two women sitting outdoors and one holding an RMP plaque

This plaque was presented to Ewa Jochheim and Katarzyna Janas in honor of IDS’s 10-year partnership with RMP Polska. They have been outstanding ambassadors for the Reiss Motivation Profile®, maintaining the high scientific standards established by Professor Steven Reiss and developing innovative applications for the RMP to benefit organizations as well as individuals. We are proud to call Katarzyna and Ewa our colleagues as we work together to advance The Science of Motivation®.

New Badge for RMP Masters

We are pleased to announce a digital badge is now available for RMP Masters trained by Professor Steven Reiss or by our licensed instructors. The badge can be posted on your website and other social media channels to publicize your status as an RMP Master who is certified to use the Reiss Motivation Profile®. If interested in this new badge, kindly email ids@idspublishing.com.
                                                                              RMP Master Award badge

ICF Certification

Image of CCE which stands for Continuing Coach Education

  IDS Publishing Corporation is now certified as a Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Provider by the         International Coaching Federation (ICF). Specifically, the Reiss Motivation Profile® Master’s Certification   Course taught by Andrew Dix, one of IDS’s licensed trainers, has been approved to offer 14 hours of         Core Competencies credits and 20 hours of Resource Development credits to ICF members.


SHRM Certification

Image that reads SHRM Recertification Provider   We are pleased to announce IDS Publishing Corporation has been approved as a SHRM                Recertification General Provider. SHRM members can receive Professional Development Credits    for successful completion of the training we offer to become certified to use the Reiss Motivation    Profile® — the only comprehensive, standardized measure of an individual's intrinsic motives          and core values.



Announcing a Refresher Course for RMP Masters

Photo of a smiling man in a suit

We are happy to announce that Andrew Dix, a licensed trainer for the Reiss Motivation Profile®, has developed a refresher course for the RMP for Business. For a price of 249 USD, this online, self-paced course is available to individuals who have already completed RMP certification training.
Through a mix of readings and videos, the course will review:

  • the theoretical principles and key concepts in The Science of Motivation®
  • the new norms that were introduced in 2022, particularly the differences in intrinsic motives between Generation Z and older generations
  • various applications of the RMP for Business such as leadership development, team building, diversity training, and employee engagement.

Participants will have the opportunity to experience a live debriefing session and also will receive practice in administering and interpreting the RMP for Business.
Masters who complete the refresher training by October 31, 2022 will receive two complimentary administrations of the RMP for Business for use with their clients. 

Introducing a New Licensed Trainer for the RMP for Sports

Photo of a man wearing a blue quarter zip jacket

We are excited to welcome Dave Laughlin, Ph.D. as a new licensed trainer for the Reiss Motivation Profile®. Dr. Laughlin will specialize in offering training in the RMP for Sports for coaches, athletic trainers, mental performance consultants, and team executives.  

After completing an online, self-paced, foundational course on the RMP, participants will receive virtual instruction on the test’s application to individual athletes as well as teams. Participants also will have the opportunity to practice administering and interpreting the RMP for Sports.

The course will cover such topics as the use of the RMP in:

  • evaluating athletes for the purposes of recruitment and performance enhancement
  • adapting instruction based on an athlete’s unique intrinsic motives and core values
  • understanding team dynamics so as to improve communication and reduce conflict.
Selected learning objectives for participants include how to identify players who:
  • desire a leadership role
  • are likely to show inconsistent effort
  • tend to underperform against weaker opponents
  • have the self-discipline necessary to work out on their own
  • may commit penalties under the stress of competition.

As the Director of Assessment and Skill Acquisition for Courtex Performance, Dr. Laughlin has used the RMP for Sports with individual athletes, college teams, and professional organizations — most notably as part of pre-draft evaluations for a number of National Basketball Association teams. More than 500 athletes have been tested to date. Dr. Laughlin’s previous positions include Assistant Professor of Sports Studies at Huntingdon College and Associate Professor of Exercise Science at Grand Valley State University. In addition to being an RMP Master, he holds a doctorate degree in Kinesiology with a concentration in Sport Psychology and Motor Behavior from the University of Tennessee.

Professor Steven Reiss on ResearchGate

, a global network of more than 17 million scientists, recently ranked the research of Professor Steven Reiss as having greater impact than 99% of its members! The ranking is based on reads by unique ResearchGate members, recommendations on ResearchGate, and citations of his work by others. Professor Reiss developed the Reiss Motivation Profile® — the only comprehensive, standardized measure of an individual's intrinsic motives and core values.

When applied to the workplace, the RMP has been successful in helping to:
• reduce conflict in teams
• place people in positions in which they can thrive
• manage individuals according to their unique motivational
• implement change within organizations

20 Years of Partnership with RMP Austria

Two men and two women standing, one woman holding an RMP plaque.Maggi M. Reiss and Mike Reiss celebrate 20 years of partnership with Dr. Maximilian Koch and Mag. Irene Krötlinger. Thank you for your dedication in promoting the Reiss Motivation Profile® in Austria and for continuing Professor Steven Reiss's scientific legacy. We are proud to have you represent the RMP!